Cardiff Capital Regional Skills Partnership
Employment and Skills Planning 2022-25:
The Cardiff Capital Regional Skills Partnership (CCRSP) are in the process of developing a new three year Employment and Skills Plan (2022-25) which will be launched this Autumn.
To reflect the spirit of co-construction, they held a Stakeholder Engagement event which provided a great opportunity to kick-start engagement with employers and providers of post-16 learning and was attended by over 160 stakeholders. Intelligence gathered on the day will help to inform the strategic direction of travel for the regional skills landscape over the next three years.
Over the last few months, the CCRSP has also been working through its associated priority cluster groups to develop short and long term recommendations that will be captured through the Plan.
Finally, the CCRSP Skills Survey provides another opportunity to influence the direction and only takes 10 minutes to complete. Please click the link below to participate and inform Welsh Government on your skills and training requirements, and where funding needs to be allocated to fulfil demands. Employer Skills Survey 2022
Welsh Government Young Persons Guarantee (YPG):
The new Programme for Government sets out an ambitious commitment to deliver the Young Persons Guarantee (YPG), giving everyone under 25 the offer of support into work, education, training, or self-employment.
As part of the YPG, Welsh Government asked the CCRSP to consult with regional programmes and projects to better understand the offer available across SE Wales. Here, the CCRSP has worked collaboratively with both the WCVA and Regional Engagement Team (RET) and delivered successful strategic workshops to inform findings.
As an outcome from the work, the CCRSP will be supporting the development of a regional YPG Stakeholder Group which will continue to feed intelligence into Welsh Government and inform future priorities.
Green Skills for a Net Zero Wales:
Moving towards a Net Zero Wales is a major focus for Welsh Government, but ensuring we have the right people with the right knowledge and skills in place will be key to achieving this. Without the appropriate knowledge and skill sets, the crucial pipeline of jobs required to support the journey towards a Net Zero Wales will simply not exist.
The CCRSP has been working collaboratively with other Regional Skills Partnerships (RSPs) in relation to the green economy, and commissioned Data Cymru to lead a research project to help identify the emerging green jobs and an assessment of associated skills gaps.
More recently, the CCRSP has worked with HyCymru, Wales’ Hydrogen Trade Association, the Net Zero Wales: Skills Economies Advisory Forum and through the Welsh Government Optimised Retrofit Programme (ORP) to better understand the skills challenges on the horizon. These discussions will help inform Welsh Governments Net Zero Skills Plan which will be launched later this year.
For more information contact: RegionalSkillsPartnership@newport.gov.uk
Cardiff Capital Region Skills Partnership
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