Special Events

Digital Literacy – Responsibility

Date: 12 January 2017

Time: 10.0am – 4.0pm

Venue: Ocean Park House, East Tyndall Street, Cardiff, CF24 5ET

This is the third in our series of our Digital Literacy events. Following on from our successful Digital Literacy – Collaboration and Productivity events that were held last year, the National Training Federation for Wales (NTfW) will be organising the third in the series based on Digital Responsibility.

The day will be a mixture of input, practical sessions and time for review and evaluation. There will also be the opportunity to obtain Agored Cymru ESfWL Level 2 Digital Responsibility accreditation.


NTfW Members £78.00 and non-members £178.00, this will include
refreshments and lunch.


Agored Cymru ESfWL Level 2 Digital Responsibility
The cost of the accreditation is being met by Welsh Government as part of the Quality Improvement Plan.

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The course is aimed at tutors, trainers and assessors who want to introduce Digital Literacy into their delivery. Participants may also have responsibility for delivering the Essential Digital Literacy Skills (EDLS) qualifications at Entry 3 and Level 1. Participants will have the opportunity to be actively engaged with digital tools, to work collaboratively and to engage in purposeful professional dialogue.

Jo Kelso and Rachel Phillips will be leading the day and they will be focusing on:

  • An overview of Essential Digital Literacy Skills (EDLS)
  • What is meant by Digital Responsibility – Why and how digital Tools, Technologies and Techniques could be used to enhance personal and professional practices in keeping yourself and learners safe/responsible online.
  • An overview of Digital Responsibility in the EDLS summative assessments.


There will also be interactive workshops to develop an understanding of Digital Responsibility to enhance delivery and facilitation which will include:

  • Completing a task relating to Digital Responsibility
  • Aid understanding of responsibility, security and safety terminology used in EDLS
  • Design resources to be used to support colleagues understanding of Digital Responsibility which can also be adapted for delivery

The sessions will be designed as a series of linked learning experiences. Participants will have the opportunity to be actively engaged with digital tools, to work collaboratively and to engage in purposeful professional dialogue.

By the end of the day you will have had the opportunity to:

  • Explore digital literacy as defined in Essential Skills Wales suite of qualifications
  • Engage in activities that can be adapted for delivery
  • Explore and engage with digital Tools, Technologies and Techniques to enhance learning
  • Investigate potential for professional gains using digital literacy within WBL

Important Information

Every delegate will need to bring a wifi enabled device with them. Please ensure that there are minimal restrictions imposed by your IT departments on these devices as you will need to access a range of different websites/services on the day, this may include downloading apps etc. The preference would be a laptop otherwise tablet or smartphone please.


LearnOn’s philosophy is simple – uncompromising commitment to excellence. We achieve this by being honest and open as we know how precious any investment in training is to all involved. We ensure that we stay current in order to be credible and subscribe to a regime of continuous improvement so we can provide the very best experience at our events.

Jo Kelso

Jo Kelso

Jo Kelso has worked on a consultancy basis for Welsh Government to design, refine and introduce the new Essential Skills Wales suite following review. Jo led the trialling of Essential Employability Skills across FE, Work Based Learning, Adult Community Learning and Pre-16 alternative education and contributed to the content of the Application of Number, Communication and Digital Literacy Skills.

Jo advised Welsh Government on the user experience and management information integration for the pan-Wales Essential Skills Toolkit (WEST) during its design and implementation stages and has led training across the post-16 workforce including design and delivery of Essential Skills for Practitioners awards.

Jo has extensive experience in senior Leadership and Management with particular interest in curriculum design and delivery.

Rachel Phillips

Rachel Phillips

Rachel Phillips has worked in work based learning for the past 14 years, starting as an Assessor in Leadership and Management on Apprenticeship programmes including the delivery of skills qualifications including ICT.

Rachel progressed to become an Internal Quality Assurer and to manage teams of assessors, eventually becoming a Quality Manager focussing on curriculum development and quality management.

More recently Rachel has become joint director of a Marketing Agency, Hopp Studio Ltd where part of the focus of the business is providing social media management for clients and their businesses.

Rachel remains active in the work based learning environment with a keen focus on supporting and developing managers to achieve their qualifications and potential.

See more at: learnon.co.uk

Accommodation: If you are looking for accommodation the following hotel is within walking distance to the venue, to get the best room rate please visit their website www.premierinn.com

Premier Inn Cardiff City South Hotel
East Moors Industrial Estate, Keen Road, Cardiff, CF24 5JT
Telephone: 0871 527 8198

Please contact info@ntfw.org for more information.

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