The Head of Work-based Learning (WBL) Quality role was established in May 2016 with responsibility for leading and coordinating quality improvement across the WBL sector in Wales. Working closely with commissioned contract holders to identify areas where support is needed. The project is supported by the Welsh Government through the European Social Fund.
The project provides support and challenge for the provider network to co-ordinate continuing professional development, the sharing of good practice and to encourage excellence, across the WBL sector. The role has responsibility for:
Coordinating continuous professional development:
- Working with stakeholders to develop a professional framework and a clear professional pathway for the sector
- Develop a strategic workforce plan with the Education Workforce Council (EWC) which embeds the Professional Standards into practice
- Planning and organising workshops, conferences and CPD activities for the WBL practitioner workforce
The Sharing of Good Practice
- Working with the sector to evaluate best practice
- Co-ordinating quality improvement activities, enabling the dissemination of best practice across the sector.
- Continuing to develop capacity across the sector, responding to Estyn areas of improvement via professional learning opportunities
- Working with European counterparts and communities of practice i.e.: EQAVET, ECVET to identify exemplary practice and share with the sector.
- Undertaking research to identify and disseminate best practice in the delivery of WBL across the UK and beyond.
Developing a clear vision for excellence
- Create a ‘Vision for Excellence’
- Work with RSP’s to evaluate employer perspective of quality on the value of apprenticeships
- Continue to work with Qualifications Wales to improve continuous quality assurance systems and quality improvement, contributing to sectoral reviews of vocational qualifications.
- Working with National Society of Apprentices to support quality improvement in the enhancement of the learner experience
- Develop the capacity and capability of the sector to respond to the Prevent agenda
For further information, please contact:
Fiona Argent, Head of Work-based Learning Quality
Email: fiona.argent@ntfw.org
Mobile: 07557 051316
Office: 029 2049 5861