Quality Events – Summer 2020
Unfortunately due to circumstances out of our control we had to postpone the ‘Ask Estyn’ event. As soon as a new date has been confirmed we will update this page. We will also be sending out notification to members via the Weekly Update.
Event postponed until further notice
Ask Estyn: A Q&A session with Mark Evans of Estyn
Whilst inspections are currently suspended and until the situation significantly improves, this session will be a good opportunity to hear and discuss Estyn’s expectations for WBL going forward, and how this supports Welsh Government’s Covid-19 Resilience Plan for the Post-16 Sector. It will be a chance to ask about any contingencies that maybe considered and to also share any good practice across the Common Inspection Framework.
This event will be held via Zoom, with joining instructions being sent out nearer the date of the event.
Please note there is an allocation of 2 places available for each contract holder/stakeholder.
If you require further information, please contact fiona.argent@ntfw.org or telephone 07557 051316.
Events already taken place
A series of 3 events were arranged to take place mid June-July, they included presentations from JISC Wales, Estyn, Qualifications Wales and FAB Cymru /JCQ.
Monday 29 June 2020 2.0-3.0pm
‘Yawn to Yay’ session with Ether Barratt (JISC)
The coronavirus pandemic has prompted an overnight change in the way we work. In our temporary new world we are finding different ways to engage with our colleagues and learners. Making on-line teaching and learning sessions such as webinars, classes and meetings to be as effective, engaging and enjoyable as possible. This session explores the basic principles of live online delivery advocated by the Learning and Performance Institute and Lightbulb Moment.
It’s all about frequent interaction using tools like chat, mics, icons, polls and whiteboards. This session focuses on quick tips and tricks to make your sessions more interactive. You might find you enjoy this method of delivery more than you expected and it can be very rewarding for you and your participants.
Wednesday 15 July 2020 2.0-4.0pm
Assessment: Inspiration and Innovation in practice
Providing a big conversation around assessment practices in WBL going forward, looking at how assessments can be innovative, flexible and where digital platforms can be used in place of traditional methods, whilst ensuring they are engaging, authentic and valid. The meeting will also focus on the sharing of good practice and the adaptation of new approaches to assessment, where permitted, with stakeholder guidance being key. Key stakeholders joining the event will be, Estyn, Qualifications Wales, FAB Cymru /JCQ and JISC.