Special Events

NTfW Teaching, Learning and Assessment Conference – Empowering Learners for Future Prosperity

English | Cymraeg

The conference took place on Thursday 15 March 2018

at the All Nations Centre, Sachville Avenue, Heath, Cardiff, CF14 3NY

The NTfW Teaching, Learning and Assessment Conference 2018, ‘Empowering learners for future prosperity,’ is aligned to the NTfW Quality Improvement Project, supported and part-funded by Welsh Government.

Wales in the 21st century faces many complex social and economic challenges – globalisation, the pace of technological change, impending automation, and the growing threat from extremism – all highlighting the need for resilience in the modern workplace. At the same time, the Welsh Government is ambitious for the future; to drive digital innovation and growth, and increase the number of Welsh speakers to one million by 2050. The conference explored these challenges and opportunities, and the implications for WBL delivery to ensure future prosperity in a changing world.

Speakers included the Minister for Welsh Language and Lifelong Learning, Eluned Morgan, to provide the keynote address. The Conference extends a warm welcome to Jeroen Kraan, our guest speaker from Cinop Advies, Netherlands to provide an international perspective on 21st century skills development. NTfW also welcomes Dr. Esther Barrett, who will examine the digital skills needed for the modern workplace.

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