Essential Skills in the Workplace
The National Training Federation for Wales (NTfW) was successful in securing a substantial contract with the Welsh Government to deliver the Essential Skills in the Workplace (ESiW) Programme across Wales. NTfW’s ESiW Programme was delivered through a network of 10 quality assured Work-based Learning Providers, all of which had considerable experience in delivering training within the workplace
The ESiW Programme addressed the high proportion of adults without basic literacy, numeracy and ICT skills within the employed workforce in Wales.
Working in partnership with Training Providers and employers the project aimed to raise awareness of the benefits of a skilled workforce. It identified any essential skills needs and provided additional and enhanced support to individuals in order to increase levels of essential skills within the workplace.
The ESiW Programme focused on those who were in employment but lacked essential skills. It increased and expanded the opportunities to access learning in innovative settings with learning styles suited to them and contextualised to their workplace.
This programme was part financed by the European Social Fund through the Welsh Assembly Government