Welsh Governments Young Persons Guarantee (YPG)

Posted on by karen.smith

English | Cymraeg

Through the Programme for Government 2021-26, Welsh Government has made a commitment to deliver a Young Person’s Guarantee (YPG) which aims to provide everyone under 25, who are not in Education, Employment or Training across Wales with an offer of a place in education or training, or support to get into work or self-employment.

YPG banner advert

Many components are in place to provide a basis to support a successful Young Person’s Guarantee, which includes programmes such as Jobs Growth Wales+, ReAct+, Communities for Work or Apprenticeships.

The YPG endeavours to ensure no lost generation across Wales, and the Cardiff Capital Region Skills Partnership (CCRSP) has supported roll out by undertaking a desk top research exercise to identify the broad range of projects and programmes that are already supporting young people across SE Wales and to better understand the regional landscape. The CCRSP has also utilised its networks and have held a range of engagement events to encourage collaboration and as part of a ‘Team Wales’ ethos.

More recently, Welsh Government has published its annual YPG report ‘Young Person’s Guarantee generation Z series: annual report 2022’. This is the first in a series for reports this year that will provide qualitative and quantitative data as well as analysis.

The report provides an update on the activities underway to help people aged 16 to 24 to find education, employment, or training and identifies the ways in which actions have been taken to improve the identification of those young people who might need additional support.

Moving into the summer, the CCRSP will continue to support the flagship YPG programme and will drive support for the regional YPG Advisory Group which will provide information and influence Welsh Government.

Linked to the YPG, the CCRSP aspire to translate its strategic Employment and Skills Plan into an ‘easy read’ version and aimed at the younger population. This ‘easy read’ may then also inform the production of animated videos to highlight the opportunities across the regions key sectors.

Cardiff Capital Region Skills Partnership

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