Category Archives: News

106 skilled individuals set to compete at UK National Finals to be crowned the best in the UK

Posted on by karen.smith

English | Cymraeg 106 talented young people will fly the flag for Welsh education and training on the UK’s biggest stage for vocational skills competitions this November. From Aircraft Maintenance in Deeside to Beauty Therapy in Pembroke Dock and Wall … Read more »

Posted in News, WorldSkills |

Butchers – Use Them or Lose Them

Posted on by karen.smith

English | Cymraeg The Butchers shop has been enjoying a revival thanks to recent consumer campaigns to buy local and butchers providing exceptional customer service and adapting their offer to customers’ changing needs. “To ensure the future longevity of our … Read more »

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Youth-Friendly Employment and Skills Plan and Career Guides

Posted on by karen.smith

English | Cymraeg In November 2022, the Cardiff Capital Region Skills Partnership (CCRSP) published an Employment & Skills Plan 2022–2025 which set out the skills related challenges and opportunities for the key sectors across South East Wales. More recently, and … Read more »

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Retrofit – Keep Contracts Local

Posted on by karen.smith

English | Cymraeg The Regional Learning and Skills Partnership (RLSP) South West Wales recently held an event at Parc y Scarlets for the retrofit sector, drawing in a crowd of over 100 professionals from the housing industry, building contractors and … Read more »

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Developing Excellence SkillsFest24

Posted on by karen.smith

English | Cymraeg SkillsFest returns for the second year after a successful first year delivery of raising skills, standards and knowledge across education and industry in Wales. SkillsFest23 saw a series of developing excellence workshops providing continual professional development opportunities … Read more »

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Join Learning and Work Institute’s Adult Learners’ Week campaign partnership this September

Posted on by karen.smith

English | Cymraeg Adult Learners’ Week is an annual campaign that presents a special opportunity for people to embrace a second chance at education and work, whilst showcasing the powerful impact of lifelong learning in Wales. Each year the campaign … Read more »

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Qualifications Wales latest news

Posted on by karen.smith

English | Cymraeg Find out some of the latest news from Qualifications Wales, in an update tailored for colleagues in work-based learning. Modernising Assessment Qualifications Wales has established a modernising assessment team to ensure that learners continue to benefit from … Read more »

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Insights into recruiting and retaining staff at North Wales conference

Posted on by karen.smith

English | Cymraeg Employers from across North Wales gathered at Venue Cymru, Llandudno last month to share experiences and hear from the experts on everything workforce-related – from skills development to managing Gen Z. The conference arranged by the North … Read more »

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Driven to Succeed: Arwen Rees’s Journey

Posted on by karen.smith

English | Cymraeg 18 year old Arwen Rees enrolled onto the Jobs Growth Wales+ programme with low confidence. She had a goal in mind of becoming a mechanic but knew traditional education wasn’t the right path for her. Arwen joined … Read more »

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How can the EWC support you?

Posted on by karen.smith

English | Cymraeg The Education Workforce Council (EWC) has recently completed its renewals process for 2024-25. Education practitioners must be registered with the EWC in order to work in Wales, and employers have a legal responsibility to ensure their staff … Read more »

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