Updates from the Education Workforce Council

Posted on by karen.smith

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Educators Wales Workforce Council Graphic

Education Workforce Council












EWC launches draft plan consultations

The Education Workforce Council (EWC) have launched two consultations seeking views on their draft Strategic Plan 2024-27, and Strategic Equality Plan 2024-28. These key documents set out the priorities and direction of travel for the organisation.

These consultations will be of particular interest to registrants, members of the public, and education stakeholders. The EWC would like to hear from both individuals and organisations. Responses will be collated and considered before the final plans are published.

You can provide your feedback now. The closing date for responses is 12:00 Monday 25 March 2024.

EWC registration changes for FE and adult learning

From 1 April 2024, a number of changes will be coming into effect for those working in further education (FE) and adult learning across Wales. This will also mean changes to requirements on employers in those areas. You can find out more about these changes on the EWC website.

Educators Wales

The Educators Wales jobs portal is the biggest dedicated to the education sector in Wales meaning it’s the go to place for job searchers. As an organisation, you can advertise your vacancies free of charge on Educators Wales and benefit from the wide range of services available to you including access to a Wales-wide talent pool.

To find out more, and set up your employer profile, visit the website today.

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