Pursuing your goals with Itec: Joseph James’ Story
After realising that he didn’t enjoy his L1 engineering course, Joseph James felt low in confidence and worried about his future after leaving college.
Joseph decided to enrol at Itec as an advancement strand learner with the objective of gaining knowledge and experience in fabrications and welding. He enjoyed this subject in school; however, he was unsure how to venture into the industry.
Joseph expressed interest in employment at his local TATA Steel Site as generations of his family had worked there, although he felt uncertain that he had the qualifications.
With the support of Itec’s Employability Officer Team Leader Ruth Sainsbury and Employability Officer Gareth Williams, a placement at WELDLEC Ltd within TATA Steel was discovered for Joseph.
This was a huge step in Joseph’s journey, and he felt overwhelmed and nervous venturing onto the path of employment. As a result, Ruth and Gareth prepared Joseph for his interview with an abundance of techniques and motivation. On the day of the interview, Ruth accompanied Joseph where they had a tour of the premises and discussions on the history of TATA Steel.
Joseph’s interview was successful, and he was delighted to be at the place where his grandfather, father and brother’s had worked. He felt privileged that he was another family member able to work there, and he felt inspired to succeed.
After only a few days of placement, Joseph was presented with an apprenticeship offer from WELDLEC Ltd, bringing him another step closer to accomplishing his goal. Joseph proved that he is more than capable of being who he wants to be, and his perseverance paid off.
Joseph said: “I would have never been able to get a job here and experience this industry without the help of Gareth and Ruth”.
Through the Jobs Growth Wales+ program Itec supports 16-19 year olds who are not in full-time education, employment or training. It gives young people like Joseph the opportunity to explore different industries whilst learning essential skills for employment.
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