Change your Story with Adult Learners’ Week
Learning and Work Institute (L&W) in partnership with the Welsh Government are working with a range of partners to create the largest bank of online learning via the Adult Learners’ Week platform which now hosts over 800 FREE online courses and resources. During Adult Learners’ Week (21 – 27 September) there will be a range of live masterclass events, tasters, webinars and discussions.
Adult Learners’ Week online learning platform
The full Masterclass schedule can be viewed here
It isn’t too late to register your online learning courses, tutorials and resources for the campaign – email: alwevents@learningandwork.org.uk to find out how to become a campaign partner.
There is a broad range of learning opportunities on offer, they are split into five different categories including:
- Digital Skills and Technology
- Exercise, Health and Well-being
- Making and Creating
- Essential and Employability skills
- Languages and Communications
Social, digital, radio and press promotion will also build towards Adult Learners’ Week, promoting information and advice on the Working Wales site.
You can join in with the online promotion of adult learning and skills during Adult Learners’ Week. If you have an interest in promoting Lifelong Learning across Wales. Join Learning and Work on social media using these hashtags and links.
Join the conversation:
Twitter – @LearnWorkCymru
Facebook – @learningandworkinstitute
Instagram – @adultlearnersweekwales
Campaign resources can be found on the Learning and Work website.
Change Your Story – is the key strap line for Adult Learners’ Week –use the campaign to share your stories, celebrate your adult learners, promote your learning and skills provision for adults.
We will also be releasing a Change Your Story podcast series for Adult Learners’ Week hosted by Nia Parry, links and details to follow.
The 2020 Inspire! Award Winners will also be announced on the 21st September and we’ll be releasing their films and more about them and their learning journeys through our social media.
Director of Learning and Work Institute Cymru, David Hagendyk said: “We know that adult learning has the potential to change lives and now more than ever it is important people have the chance to retrain for work and learn something new to help their health and well-being.
“Coronavirus has hit every one of us in some way. Adult learning is a great way to help all of us to prepare for the recovery, with all the evidence showing it can help people to find work, get a promotion, or to look after their health and well-being.
“During lockdown thousands of people turned to online courses to keep in touch with other people and to learn something new. As we start to unlock the economy and our communities, there has never been a more important time to start learning again.”
Change your story, visit Adult Learners’ Week website for more information.
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