Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol have appointed 11 ambassadors who are following apprenticeships across the whole of Wales.
The ambassadors will be assisting the Coleg Cymraeg and their apprenticeship providers throughout the year to raise awareness of the importance of bilingualism in the workplace whilst completing their apprenticeship and promote the use of the language within the workplace.
Some of the tasks the ambassadors will be expected to undertake include writing blogs about their work as Welsh apprentices, promoting Welsh medium apprenticeships at events such as open nights and creating content on social media.
The apprentices will also work closely with the Coleg Cymraeg during Apprenticeship Week, which will take place in February. During this week it will be an opportunity for them to promote the opportunities they have received through the medium of Welsh while completing their apprenticeship.
Moc Roberts will be one of the ambassadors this year, he stated:
“I’m very excited to be ambassador for the Coleg Cymraeg this year. Being able to use the Welsh language from day to day with my employer and customers is a key asset as I pursue my Plumbing and Gas apprenticeship, and I’m looking forward to sharing my different experiences.