Inspiring Skills Wales Appoints Officer to Spearhead Net Zero Skills Research Across Wales
Inspiring Skills Wales, a leading organisation dedicated to raising the standards of skills in Wales for now and for future generations, is pleased to announce the appointment of a dedicated officer to spearhead a ‘Net Zero Skills project’—an initiative focused on showcasing net zero skills within Further Education across Wales.
The initiative, funded by the Welsh Government and delivered by Coleg Sir Gâr, forms part of the Inspiring Skills Wales project, secured by a dedicated network of colleges, work-based learning providers and employer-led organisations.
This appointment falls during Wales Climate Week 2023, a pivotal event dedicated to the exploration of the theme of “fairness” in the context of climate change, and during the UN Conference of Parties (COP 28) taking place in Dubai.
Wales Climate Week feeds into the ambitious target set by the Welsh Government to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
The Welsh Government’s aim is to grow a skilled workforce that will support their net zero challenge, and they describe skills as ‘a key enabler as we transition to a net zero economy’ in their Stronger, Fairer, Greener Wales: Net Zero Skills Action Plan.
Becky Pask will lead the organisation’s efforts to identify, understand, and address the skills required for a successful transition to a net-zero economy in Wales.
The Net Zero project will serve a variety of purposes, from building trust within educational colleges to shaping public awareness around green skills, as well as encouraging engagement with Net Zero and raising awareness among stakeholders.
Becky Pask said:
“It is very exciting to be working with stakeholders across Wales. The fact that we are looking at the future from a skills perspective is very important. It is a privilege to be working for Inspiring Skills Wales and researching the current and future delivery of net zero across FE in Wales.
Everyone has a vested interest in this research; we all need to transition together, showcase best practices, and get this right for Wales.”
Inspiring Skills Wales recognises the importance of collaboration and partnerships in addressing the challenges associated with the transition to a net-zero economy.
The project invites stakeholders, businesses, and educational institutions to join hands in this endeavour, working together to build a skilled workforce that will lead Wales towards a greener and more sustainable future.
To find out more about the project, contact Inspiring Skills Wales on info@inspiringskills.co.uk or Becky Pask directly on Becky.pask@colegsirgar.ac.uk.
Inspiring Skills Excellence in Wales
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