North Wales RSP – Employer Skills Survey: Get your voice heard

Posted on by karen.smith

English | Cymraeg

Are you able to recruit and retain people with the right skills for your business? Would you like to be part of changing the skills landscape in the region?

The North Wales Regional Skills Partnership (RSP) would like to invite businesses across North Wales to participate in a North Wales Employer Skills Survey. This is your opportunity to share with the North Wales RSP your views about the challenges, issues and opportunities that you have experienced around skills, training and workforce development over the past 12 months, along with your skills needs for the future.

This survey will enable the RSP to understand your current and future skills needs. It will also enable the RSP to better understand the current business landscape across the region, and to align its priorities with the needs of employers from across all sectors.

The North Wales Regional Skills Partnership is one of three Skills Partnerships in Wales that work with businesses to understand their needs from a skills perspective. The information that you provide will be used to inform our Skills and Employment Plan for the region, which is used by Welsh Government to steer the process of funding further education courses and work based learning.

This is a good opportunity, whether you wish to participate in the survey or to share amongst your contacts. The survey will be open until 24th May 2019.

RSP North Wales Skills Survey

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