Qualifications Wales – GCSE Consultation and Essential Skills Wales Review Survey

Posted on by karen.smith

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GCSE consultation decisions coming soon


Following an extensive public consultation in autumn 2022 on a new suite of Made-for-Wales GCSEs, Qualifications Wales is preparing to publish their outcomes and decisions reports on Wednesday 28 June 2023.

The new GCSEs will align with teaching of the Curriculum for Wales. They will enable learners to get the most out of the Curriculum and prepare them for life, learning and work in our modern society.

To learn more about our GCSE decisions, register now for our webinar on 29 June 2023: GCSEFindingsandDecisionsOverviewWebinar.eventbrite.co.uk

We will also host individual Area of Learning and Experience webinars to provide more detail on the findings and decisions in those subject areas. More details here: Events and Resources

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Essential Skills Wales Review Survey


Qualifications Wales wants to hear your views on Essential Skills Wales qualifications.

We want to hear from as many employers, learners, learning providers and other interested parties as possible. Please share the survey with your staff, as well as with any learners and apprentices.

The survey closes on 7 July 2023.

If you have any questions, please contact: EssentialSkillsWales@qualifications.wales

Have your say: haveyoursay.qualifications.wales/review-of-essential-skills-qualifications

Qualifications Wales

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