Supporting his local community puts ‘role model’ Corey in line for top award
Corey McDevitt is playing an increasingly valuable role in the regeneration of his local community thanks to the Jobs Growth Wales programme. Now the 22-year-old from Ely, Cardiff is in contention to win a major award at the Apprenticeship Awards Cymru 2015.
He is one of three finalists shortlisted in the Jobs Growth Wales Learner of the Year category at the high profile awards ceremony to be held at the Celtic Manor Resort, Newport on Thursday, October 29.
The coveted awards celebrate the outstanding achievements of those who have exceeded expectations, shown a dynamic approach to training and demonstrated initiative, enterprise, innovation, creativity and commitment to the improvement of skills development for the Welsh economy.
Jointly organised by the Welsh Government and the National Training Federation for Wales (NTfW), the awards are sponsored by Pearson PLC and media partner is Media Wales. The Apprenticeship Programme in Wales is funded by the Welsh Government with support from the European Social Fund.
Corey started as an assistant development worker on an energy project with Action in Caerau and Ely (ACE), concentrating on alleviating fuel poverty.
Through Cardiff-based learning provider Itec Skills and Employment, Corey’s work with the Communities First Programme charity ACE has seen his role grow to visiting homes at risk of fuel poverty, analysing energy use and providing advice and free energy-saving devices
Having completed his Jobs Growth Wales placement, Corey’s fresh approach and new ideas have led to a full time role with ACE and a Foundation Apprenticeship in Business Administration.
It is a big step forward for Corey who, prior to his placement, found himself homeless following a series of short term roles in blind manufacturing, door-to-door charity collection and as a special needs carer.
Sam Froud-Powell, of ACE, said: “Through his Jobs Growth Wales placement Corey has shown energy, enthusiasm and commitment in developing our energy project and he has come up with important initiatives to improve delivery of our service. He is a role model and valued team member.”
Corey, who has his hands full with a new-born son, Logan Lee and 19-month-old daughter, Molly Grace, added: “My goal in life is to make things better for people. From having no clear path I can now see stepping stones in front of me and I feel I have jumped onto the first one.”
Deputy Minister for Skills and Technology Julie James congratulated Corey and the other 36 award finalists. “We have some truly exceptional learners here in Wales and the Apprenticeship Awards Cymru provide a perfect platform for us to celebrate their hard work and achievements,” she said.
“Equally important are the training providers and employers who go the extra mile to support their apprentices. Developing skilled young people is vital for our economy. The Welsh Government is committed to training programmes such as Apprenticeships but investment must be a shared responsibility with the education sector, businesses and individuals.”
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