Qualifications Wales has launched a major consultation to hear people’s views on the qualifications needed for the new curriculum.
The 12-week consultation, Qualified for the Future, suggests principles that will shape the range of qualifications for 16-year-olds.
The consultation seeks views on key aspects of the regulator’s approach to deciding the qualifications that will be available for 16-year-olds under the new curriculum. It outlines proposals to:
keep GCSEs as the central part of qualifications, but redesign them so that they have a good fit with the new curriculum;
that there should be a requirement for awarding bodies to make qualifications available bilingually;
include a stand-alone qualification that supports the development and assessment of the wider skills defined in the new curriculum; and,
establish a set of principles to streamline the range of qualifications available to schools.
The consultation runs until Friday, 7 February and we’re keen to hear from work-based learning providers. Full details, including the consultation documents, video interviews and information on how to respond, are on the Qualifications Wales website