Employment and Skills Plans
The 3 year Employment and Skills Plans for 2022-2025 are due to be launched later this year.
Dialogue with businesses has already begun, with discussions on future skills needs and identifying the challenges that need to be addressed. Find out what is happening in your region.
Cardiff Capital Region Skills Partnership
Regional Learning and Skills Partnership South West Wales
North Wales Economic Ambitions Board
Cardiff Capital Region
Welsh Government is committed to a regional approach with an ambition to stimulate demand for employment and skills by providing the flexibility to develop responses based upon local and regional need. The CCRSP advises Welsh Government on the strategic direction of travel for skills and makes recommendations on areas of growth or decline, based on robust evidence and strong engagement with employers and stakeholders.
Launched in October 2019, the CCRSP developed a 3-year Employment and Skills Plan 2019-22 which is being used to shape the skills priorities for employers across the region and influencing provision offered through the FE and work based learning sectors. The Plan was informed through the triangulation of labour market intelligence, research and employer engagement and has been shaped by the Employment and Skills Board and employer-led priority cluster groups.
More recently, the CCRSP have been working to develop a new regional 3-year Employment & Skills Plan which will be launched in the Autumn of 2022. To support the all-important engagement process, the CCRSP will be hosting an event later this year and its purpose will be twofold. Firstly, the event will kickstart discussions with employers, stakeholders and providers of post-16 education and training to help identify the skills related challenges that need to be addressed.
Secondly, the CCRSP will use the event as an opportunity to promote Welsh Governments Young Persons Guarantee (YPG) to key stakeholders across South East Wales and to encourage collaboration across the region. In this regard, the CCRSP has committed to better understand the regional landscape and scope the current education, employment, training and wellbeing support / provision available to young people locally and regionally.
For more information on this development contact: RegionalSkillsPartnership@newport.gov.uk
Regional Learning and Skills Partnership South West Wales
Since we last published the Employment and Skills Plan for the South West Wales region there has been a huge change in the way people work; the types of jobs on offer and more importantly perhaps the skills now required by industry to drive forward their businesses in a post pandemic world. The turbulent times that many have faced over the last two years has meant that new skills have been identified as a key requirement for businesses and it is therefore more important than ever that we ensure that we are delivering the right skills in our colleges and universities; through our apprenticeship provision and through the vocational offer in schools. YOUR involvement in the Employment and Skills Plan for 2022-2025 is KEY to ensuring that we inform Welsh Government what skills are required in our area and where their funding needs to be allocated in order to fulfil the skills demands identified.
Many hundreds of businesses from across the region have been engaged with the Regional Learning and Skills Partnership (RLSP) not only through our on line skills survey but through our Industry sector cluster groups, an opportunity for everyone to have their say about skills and discuss future skills needs as industries develop. We thank you for your involvement and hope that you will continue in the dialogue with the RLSP and have your say in the plan that we are preparing now.
For the thousands of micro, small, medium and large businesses in the region who have not previously engaged with the RLSP, we are one of four skills partnerships in Wales working across the region to understand the key skills priorities that face industries on our regions. We use this information to inform the Employment and Skills Plan which is used by Welsh Government to inform the funding allocation for training in Wales and particularly in our region. We would be really grateful if you would join us in the RLSP to ensure that we can have your voice included in our plan- you can join an industry cluster group or complete the online survey or just contact us to have a discussion.
The RLSP is also leading on the Skills and Talent Programme for the Swansea Bay City Deal Programme, with funding for key pilot project to develop those innovative training solutions for courses not delivered in our area currently, you can be involved through connecting with the RLSP in our cluster groups or surveys.
Be part of changing the skills landscape in complete the survey TODAY don’t wait! Please pass on the survey to your business contacts and encourage them to participate and voice their opinions on skills in South West Wales. www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/7LMCTBR
North Wales Economic Ambitions Board
As our current North Wales Skills and Employment Plan comes to an end at the end of this year we are now prioritising the development of our new three year plan. We will soon be going live with an employer survey and during May and June we will be holding a number of partner, stakeholder and employer workshops and consultations. These workshops and consultations will identify the key skills and employment priorities for our region, aligned to our regional economic plan, including the North Wales Growth Deal. We will also identify regional key and growth sectors and how to reduce skills shortages facing businesses within our regional and sub-regional growth sectors.
We will focus on post-16 education and skills, higher education, careers insights and how we can help deliver great school education plus improving connections to business. We will look at how to build workforce skills, promote apprenticeships, STEM and fresh approaches to attract talent into the region with a consideration for higher level skills.
Highlighting the bigger picture on employability and identifying key actions that employers, stakeholders and partners, can deliver will be very important to support Welsh Government in achieving their national milestones as highlighted in the recently publicised Employability and Skills Plan – Stronger, fairer, greener wales.
We have a central role to help Welsh Government deliver on the vision for a Fairer, Stronger, Greener Wales, in relation to the 5 key areas of action:
- Young people realising their potential
- Tackling economic inequality
- Championing Fair Work for all
- Supporting people with a long-term health condition to work
- Nurturing a learning for life culture
For further information please contact Sian Lloyd Roberts, Regional Skills Manager SianLloydRoberts@uchelgaisgogledd.cymru
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